Atmega32A IC Flash
USBasp is a USB in-circuit programmer for Atmel AVR controllers.
It simply consists of an ATMega88 or an
ATMega8 and a couple of passive components. The programmer uses a firmware-only
USB driver, no special USB controller is needed.
The USBASP programmer is an important tool/accessory for embedded systems engineers/ firmware developers.
It is a USB ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programmer) that allows developers to easily upload firmware/bootloaders on AVR microcontrollers.
Unlike what you find to serial programmers like the USB-TTL
converters, it does not use a dedicated chip as it runs on an atmega88 (or
atmega8), and uses a firmware-only USB driver with no special USB controller
Features :-
- Works
under multiple platforms. Linux, Mac OS X and Windows are tested.
- No
special controllers or SMD components are needed.
- Programming
speed is up to 5kBytes/sec.
- SCK option to support targets with low clock speed (< 1,5MHz).
Pinouts :-
IPS2 – 6 pin SIL :-
The 6 pin ISP connection provides an alternative to the standard 10 pin IDC connector. The board
provides 6 holes where a single row header, polarised header or other connector can be mounted. The
pinout is shown in Figure 3.
1 (VCC +5V)
2 (MOSI)
3 (SCK)
4 (MISO)
Pin Descriptions:
Port A (PA7-PA0): Port A serves as analog inputs for A/D converter. It also acts as an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port if the A/D converter is not used internally.
Port B (PB7-PB0) and Port D (PD7-PD0): These ports are 8-bit bidirectional I/O ports. Their output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with high source and sink capability. As inputs, these are pulled low if the pull-up resistors are used. It also provides various special functional features of the ATmega32.
Port C (PC7-PC0): Port C is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port. If the Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface is enabled, the pull-up resistors on pins PC2 (TCK), PC3 (TMS), and PC5 (TDI) will be activated.
Vcc: Digital voltage supply
GND: Ground
RESET: It is a RESET pin which is utilized to set the microcontroller ATmega32 to its primary value. During the beginning of an application the RESET pin is to be set elevated for two machine rotations.
XTAL1: It is an input for the inverting oscillator amplifier and input to an internal clock operating circuit.
XTAL2: It is an output from an inverting oscillator amplifier.
AVcc: It is a supply voltage pin for A/D converter and Port A. It must be connected with Vcc.
AREF: AREF is an analog signal reference pin for the analog to digital converter.
Where to Use ATMEGA32
ATMEGA32 is easy to program AVR controller. With appreciable program memory it can satisfy most EMBEDDED SYSTEMS. With various sleep modes it can work on MOBILE EMBEDDED SYSTEMS. Along with 32 programmable Input/Output pins, it can interface many peripherals easily. With Watchdog timer to reset under error it can be used on systems with no human interference. With so many features with each appreciating other we can implement ATMEGA32 in many control systems.
How to Use ATMEGA32
Using ATMEGA32 is similar to any other microcontroller. Similar to them it is not Plug and Play digital ICs. For working of ATMEGA32, first we need to save the appropriate program file in the ATMEGA32 FLASH memory. After dumping this program code, the controller executes this code to create the response.
There are thousands of applications for ATMEGA32.
- Temperature control systems
- Analog signal measuring and manipulations.
- Embedded systems like coffee machine, vending machine.
- Motor control systems.
- Digital signal processing.
- Peripheral Interface system.
Warnings Some of the components discussed in this document are very sensitive to electrical static discharges. The reader should take precautions to ensure that components are protected against these discharges.
Whilst the voltages typically seen in microcontroller circuits are low, the reader should be aware of the risk of working with electrical circuits and take necessary precautions.
Supported Microcontrollers
AT89S8252 AT90S2343(L) ATMEGA168(V) ATMEGA649(V)
ATTiny12(L) AT90S1200(L) ATMEGA169(V) ATMEGA6490(V)
ATTiny13(V) AT90S8515(L) ATMEGA169P(V) ATMEGA128(L)
ATTiny15(L) AT90S8535(L) ATMEGA32(L) ATMEGA1280(V)
ATTiny24(V) ATMEGA48(V) ATMEGA324(V) ATMEGA1281(V)
ATTiny26(L) ATMEGA88(V) ATMEGA3250(V) ATMEGA2561(V)
ATTiny2313(V) ATMEGA8515(L) ATMEGA329(V) AT90CAN32
ATTiny44(V) ATMEGA8535(L) ATMEGA3290(V) AT90CAN64
ATTiny45(V) ATMEGA16(L) ATMEGA64(L) AT90CAN128
ATTiny84(V) ATMEGA162(V) ATMEGA640(V) AT90PWM2(B)
ATTiny85(V) ATMEGA163(L) ATMEGA644(V) AT90PWM3(B)
AT90S2313(L) ATMEGA164(V) ATMEGA645(V)
AT90S2323(L) ATMEGA165(V) ATMEGA6450(V)
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